Ever since the announcement of 5G has been made, the world is going wild with speculation regarding its “supposed” threatening presence towards the health of human beings. However, just a decade ago when 4G got released it astonished the world with its high mobile and internet connectivity and speedy data transfer.
The World Gearing Up For 5g:
Now that the advance version in the form of 5G is gearing up to change the world of wireless connectivity. South Korea and the USA have already geared up to start the network on trial. In May 2018, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland had made an announcement regarding their plan to form an interconnected 5G region, making it a first of its kind in the world.
What I have discussed above is the anticipation of 5G and the excitement that is revolving around it. Now, let’s discuss the controversial aspect of 5G and how experts and the public are generally is reacting to the news of it. We will also discuss whether there is any relevancy in that news or is it just a hoax.
5g Networks and the Stigma Connected To It:
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) in 2011 go through several research papers that study the impact of a large number of RF-EMF on human as well as test subjects like rats and established the fact that these radiations might be carcinogenic in nature.
Let’s discuss what factors have contributed to labeling 5G as possibly carcinogenic and also why the general masses are panicking about it.
The cellular phone industry uses electromagnetic waves and radiations like every other wireless device. The abundance of these waves in the atmosphere has played a significant role in increasing the anxiety of general masses regarding the potential health concerns which include many types of increases in which cancer is at the forefront. WHO declared in 2014?

Later the claim made by the world health organization was refuted by another claim made by WHO along with International agency for research on cancer, in that claim they classified all radiofrequency radiations (mobile signals are also a part of these radio frequency) as possibly carcinogenic.
The reason why they were not put in to “carcinogenic category” and “conceivably carcinogenic” category was due to the fact that,

However, the main thing to remember is that radiofrequency is not the only thing that was put in this category by WHO and researchers all around the world.
There are also a number of mundane items in this list which we consume in our everyday life such as pickled vegetables, processed meat, talcum powder, and alcoholic beverages. Some of the things on this list are even higher in the ranking than radiofrequency such as alcoholic beverages as their toxicity and power to cause cancer is stronger
Is 5g Really Carcinogenic?
This was the magnitude of issues that have been explained by the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The main reason behind this concern is that the new infrastructure for 5G will be implemented across the globe according to the plans that different countries have disclosed so far.
According to the proofreading services online, 5G will be 100 times faster than the 4G technology and will bring revolutionary changes such as high-speed browsing, streaming of HDTV worldwide, high-quality video calls, etc.
Here is the list of issues that have been proved as a source of concern for the people around the world regarding the 5G technology.
- The magnitude in which the human will get exposed to frequency radiations after the implementation of the 5G infrastructure is first of its kind in history.
- People are still being skeptical because of this new infrastructure even after the explanations published by the scientist about it being comparatively harmless.
- WHO has already declared the frequency as possibly carcinogenic which has further raises the concern.
- Although the public has divided opinions regarding the implementation of 5G technology infrastructure, however, the major consensus is in the favor of discontinuation of this technology until its safety issues are resolved.
Let’s explore this issue a little more and investigate whether these radiations are as deadly as people made them out to be or it’s just a case of fear of unknown.
Is It Really A Catastrophe Waiting To Happen?
If we judge 5G according to the yardstick on which the general public is evaluating its threat level which is the possible health risks we will be exposed to after its advent then we are certainly safe. You must be thinking why, well that’s because,
- The higher radiations go on the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the risk will be.
- Sunlight that we are exposed to daily is on a much higher scale than radiofrequency waves.
- Moreover, the radiofrequency waves are non-ionizing in nature which means that they lack sufficient energy to break apart the DNA to cause permanent damage of any sort.
So, the argument that 5G is not being a huge threat to health is established. Now, let’s shed light on some other matters as well.
- As 5G will provide super high speed along with super everything as well, we are likely to be much more dependent on 5G than the previous 4G version.
- Businesses, factories and critical operations will depend on 5G data connectivity completely as this technology will bring a revolution in the world of the internet.
- The thing to remember is that this huge increase in the dependency upon this network will also bring a plethora of issues, such as if the system gets breached under any circumstances that it will entail a disaster of great capacity that will impact severely on a very large scale.
Although it has been established that the 5G infrastructure will not cause any harm to the health of the public but still there is a large portion of scientist who have divided opinions regarding this issue.
Moreover, we cannot deny the grave implication that came with the possibility of a breach in the 5G system. Despite the wonderful benefits of the new technology, maybe it is exactly like what they say “a catastrophe waiting to happen”.
Author’s Bio: Dr. Adrish is a Ph.D. in actuarial sciences from Glasgow University. He has been working as an Academic consultant and providing academic writing since 2005 and has extensive knowledge in multiple fields.