For most of the women, missing their period is the first sign of getting pregnant, but the same is not the case with everyone. There are a number of instances when the women knew about the pregnancy weeks after conception. In most of these cases, the mother did start getting symptoms of pregnancy, but the worst part is that most of the symptoms are similar to pre-menstrual discomforts. As a result, they were confused. this is why we bring you the list of symptoms that are highly common among pregnant women but are easily overlooked or misinterpreted. So, take a look at this list and if you are experiencing most of them, then go get a test today to be sure!

Swollen and Tender Breasts
After a couple of weeks of conception, pregnant women started to feel the changes in their breast-shape, owing to the hormonal changes in the body. The breasts usually feel tingly, sore, or tender in the early hours of pregnancy.
A newly pregnant lady feels tired after a certain interval of time. Scientists revealed that the amount of progesterone increases at the early pregnancy phase, which results in fatigue. Decreased body sugar, increased production of blood, and low blood pressure is some of the factors contributing to fatigue.
Unease and Discomfort
A newly pregnant lady often feels discomfort and uneasiness, thanks to the increasing level of estrogen. The high level of estrogen hormone slows down the digestion process; therefore, you might feel discomfort. Besides, you will have a heightened sense of smell as well.
Changing Food Preferences
A pregnant lady often turns up her nose at a number of items, like fried foods. But, at the same time, she may seem inclined towards some specific food items. The changing in the food pattern is due to the effects of hormonal changes in the mother’s body. So, keep an eye out for your varying tastes in food.
Headaches and Constipation
In the early period of pregnancy, the hormonal changes result in an enhanced blood circulation. This causes extreme headaches in mothers.
The increased amount of progesterone results in the slow passage of food through the intestines; as a result, a newly pregnant lady is expected to suffer from constipation too.
Mood swings
During thefirst trimester, pregnant women suffer from mood swings, thanks to the dozens of hormonal changes in the body. In most of the occasions, you can expect to feel emotional and weepy.
Missing Periods
Missing periods is the most common sign of getting pregnant, and this symptom leads to extensive research on pregnancy too. In some cases, women experience a lighter flow in comparison to the normal one.
How to confirm your Pregnancy?
Unfortunately, most of the symptoms mentioned above are not unique to pregnancy, including the missing period one. One can experience these symptoms during various illnesses or right before the period. On the other hand, without displaying any such symptom, it is absolutely possible for one to carry a baby.
This is why, it is always recommended to take a home pregnancy test if you missed your period. If the result comes positive, take an appointment with a nearby doctor.
For the best result, doctors recommend a pregnancy test a couple of days after missing the period though. Even if the test shows a negative result, try to test another time after a few days for the confirmation.
Read More – Expounding on Anembryonic Pregnancy
Short Description: doubtful if you are pregnant or not? Well if you are experiencing these symptoms then its probably time to take a test!
Author Bio: Riddhima Sen has been associated with the health industry for a long time. In her leisure, she loves writing articles. Through her articles, you can obtain knowledge on various stem cell preservation, Stem cell banking, cord blood banking.