Marijuana use can lead to addiction, just like opioids, stimulants, and alcohol. However, some people think that marijuana is not addictive because it doesn’t cause any problems in your brain. The fact is, marijuana is has been proven to be addictive, but the majority of smokers do not develop an addiction. Only one in 10 cannabis smokers develop addiction symptoms after chronic use.
Most cannabis smokers who are always in charge of its use never experience addiction. They utilize the exact amount they need to use at an appropriate time. They are in total control and can stop smoking if they wish. These pot smokers use cannabis to get the results they intend to have.
The notable sign of addiction is compulsive use despite visible adverse effects check more facts with Dr dabber.
As mentioned above, smoking marijuana can cause a person to become addicted. The fancy term used for this condition is” marijuana use disorder,” and in rare severe cases, it is known as marijuana addiction. Cannabis use disorder can be diagnosed by looking at the symptoms of withdrawal.

How does not cause addiction?
Marijuana causes addiction in a similar way to other drug substances. The highly potent THC acts on brain functions that are not adequately regulated.
People with cannabis use disorder often develop a physical dependence on the drug. It implies that a person relies on the presence of weed for standard functionality. When a person stops smoking or reduces dosage, withdrawal symptoms set in. These include cravings, insomnia, restlessness, and loss of appetite. If the person finds it difficult to control its use despite adverse effects in their life, then this is a sure sign of addiction!
Weed addiction vs. Dependence
While addiction and dependence may be related, both have fundamental differences. Addiction is a chronic condition characterized by compulsive use of marijuana. The condition can be caused by many different factors, including an inability to stop smoking and a lack of motivation or interest in other things that are important to you.
Dependence is an actual physical reliance on pot that occurs with regular use. If you are dependent on weed, you must smoke it to function normally. Without marijuana, you may start experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
Cannabis often causes dependence and addiction, but they don’t always occur together. A person can be dependent on pot but do not exhibit compulsive behaviour associated with addiction.

Classic Addictive Behaviour
An addict or someone dependent on marijuana can be classified as its abuser. Here are some of the behavioural symptoms of addiction:
• Will start losing control and craving larger doses
• Will spend a lot of time thinking of using cannabis
• Substance use may begin taking a central role in a person’s life
• The person becomes irritated when the supply is low
• As adverse consequences mount, the person continues to use the herb.
• He or she spends more time and money acquiring marijuana.
Symptoms of withdrawal
Chronic marijuana users who quit may experience the following symptoms:
• Insomnia and anxiety
• Appetite loss
• Irritability
• Low pulse
• Mood swings
• Increased salivation
• General aggressive behaviour
How does marijuana cause addiction?
Marijuana causes addiction in the same way other drug substances do-by acting on the brain’s reward system. THC(tetrahydrocannabinol) triggers a chemical called dopamine in the brain. Dopamine helps people feel pleasure and euphoria and activates brain pathways to remember a repeat of the activity.
Essentially, THC prompts a chemical cascade that conditions your body system to love pot and crave for more. Research shows that younger smokers are more vulnerable to the lousy effects that come from smoking marijuana with CBD Vape Kit.
While only one of ten users is likely to be addicted, the number rises to one in six for smokers below the age of 18. According to a recent study, the risk of developing marijuana is almost non-existent after the age of 25 years.

Seeking Treatment
Whether there are more pot addictions or not, a significant number of people are currently seeking treatment. According to research, the number of teens and children has increased by 142% since 1992. Additionally, almost 300,000 people sought treatment for cannabis addiction in 2015. By the time a person enrols for professional treatment, they usually have been using it daily for a decade on average.
It is hard to find users willingly seeking treatment, and most therapies are ordered by court-rehab. All in all, treatment is necessary for chronic abusers. It usually involves a combination of behavioural therapy and supports group meetings.