Is VPS Hosting a Viable Option?

VPS hosting refers to a system where there is a server that is partitioned to produce multiple virtual servers, each functioning independent of the others. In VPS hosting, each virtual server will run a copy of its preferred operating system and the client will enjoy

Open Text Book Assessment

Central Board of Secondary Education introduced Open Text Book Assessment for class 9 & 11 in the year 2014 with a thought to shift the focus of India education system from rote learning to understanding of concept and developing their practical application. This change was

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination popularly known as WBJEE is conducted by West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board every year. The state-government has the sole authority to conduct the centralized test for admission to many private and governmental medical and engineering institutions located in West Bengal. The test

JEXPO Diploma Entrance Examination

JEXPO is conducted by West Bengal State Council of Technical Education (WBSCTE) for selection of candidates for admission into Government, Government Aided and Self Financing Polytechnic institutes in Diploma Courses. JEXPO allows the students to get admission into First year of Diploma Courses offered in