Umrah is the blessed and blissful pilgrimage performed by the Muslims from every nook and corner with immense Islamic fervor. The Muslims in the state Ihram converge at the holiest Muslim site named the Holy Kaaba, located in the center of Makkah city. Unlike Hajj, it is a non-mandatory Ibadah which can be performed in any time during the whole year. However, the Muslims undertake it with lots of love and respect for Allah (SWT) and his Holy Messenger (SAW). Because Umrah is a beautiful Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and the Muslims proudly follow his (SAW) Divinely Sunnah to expiate their sins, to purify their souls and increase their wealth.
Imagine your holiest month of Ramadan in the sacred spot of the charismatic Holy Kaaba. Who would not like to find this indescribably perfect combo of sacred time and place for himself? If you are mentally and financially capable, don’t waste a minute and plan to get yourself booked for spiritually outstanding Umrah in the Ramadan. Choose the most suitable and full Ramadan Umrah Package offered by your chosen trusted and certified family.

Several Spiritual Perks of Ramadan
He (SAW) loved the Holiest Month of Ramadan and liked the Muslims to have their Umrah in Ramadan. Because this sacred journey undertaken during this sacred month, multiplies the rewards to the level of infinity. Moreover, this month has also blessed us with the unprecedentedly miraculous gift of Allah (SAW) which is none other than the glorious Holy Quran. This month also has a spiritually unique night of blessing named Laila tul Qadar.
Umrah in Ramadan
Umrah is an arduously mental and physical journey which demands exhaustive physical exercises like running between Safa and Marva. However, if a Muslim once understands, its more than just spiritual significance. His desire to break his fast in the Holiest Kaaba gets undoubtedly intensified when he comes to know the infinite rewards and blessings showered by the Almighty Allah upon his followers. The Holy Prophet (SAW) has declared that the Umrah undertaken in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj. So if you are unable to perform Hajj you acquire the rewards of Hajj through your Umrah in Ramadan.
Beneficial Dos in Ramadan Umrah
Ramadan is the month of immense blessings in which the doors of heaven are opened for the Muslims. During this month you experience an excitingly different spiritual phenomenon especially at the times of Sahoor and Iftar. You would find plentiful of rizq dotted over there to break your fast and satiate your hunger. Moreover, in this auspicious month, your reward for a single or minute good deed is multiplied with the will of Allah (SWT). So it is humbly advised not to leave any stone unturned, in seeking Allah (SWT)’s will and clemency through your kind and compassionate deeds during this holy month of Ramadan. Some beneficial dos you must definitely go for are the following.

Rush to break your fast sharp at the commencement of sunset and break it at the time of Magrib prayer.
Recite the Holy Quran throughout this holy period. Keep your tongue busy in Dhikar. As Allah (SWT)’s name brings soothe and contentment in yourself.
Follow the Sunnahs of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Commemorate him and send the blessings of Allah (SWT) on him and his family. Follow his footsteps blindfolded to become a better Muslim and better human being.
Be kind and compassionate for your poor fellows. Give Charity or Zakat in this Holy month to cleanse and increase your wealth.
It is highly recommended to offer Taraweeh along with Isha prayer. Because Ramadan is the month of Ibadah. The soulful voice of Imam leading you will definitely soothe your mind and soul.
Ask your Muslim fellows there in Haram to join you in Sahoor or Iftaar as sharing is caring. This act of generosity would surely strengthen your sense of brotherhood and togetherness with your Muslim fellows.

The holiest month of Ramadan is like a guest who temporarily stays and goes back. So just endeavor to get rewards as many as much as you can. with Muslims Holy Travel.Following are the things you must avoid to do and not get deviated in Ramadan.
Never listen to Music during this month.
Don’t sit idle. Keep your tongue busy in Allah’s Zikar
Don’t indulge in lose talks, gossiping and abusing
Ramadan teaches us the lessons of sacrifice and forgiveness. So don’t hold grudges and animosity for anyone.
Try to avoid anger and have patience in yourself. Because Ramadan teaches you a valuable lesson of self-control and patience
Don’t waste your time in worldly activities like shopping, wandering, oversleeping and other unnecessary activities during this month of Ramadan. Especially in the last Ashra (10 days), because these last days are indescribably important days of this Holiest month.