Toys And The Takeover Of Tech

Toys have been an important part of a child’s life since the time of the cavemen, archeologists have found remains of clay toys in caves that date back 4000 years, toys of the past were mostly just clay dolls and animals made out of clay, as there was no discovery of metal or plastic at that time and stones were too hard to work on and shape, so clay was the next best thing. The toys of the past didn’t have fun colors and didn’t light up or make sounds, there was no such thing as that in the days of the cavemen. The kids were free to use their imagination freely and make any story they wanted with these toys. But as time progressed, toys have gotten more and more advanced,


Let’s take a brief look at how the toy market has shifted with the progression of time


The earliest toys

The earliest toys were the simplest and are still in use today in most countries although way more refined then they used to be, some common examples of these toys will be the ball, the kite, and the yoyo, mentions of the yoyo can also be found in greek writings dating back to 500 BC, the yoyo originated from China and the kite is also a very popular toy in China even today. In India remains of clay animals and animals with wheels attached to their back have been discovered and are estimated to date back to 2500 BC, later in this era when brass and bronze got discovered, children from families with higher wealth status got to play with toys made from brass and bronze.


Toys and its connection with war

Toys after the early era would resemble war a lot like the first skill that was taught to young men was the use of weapons, some toys of this age was small soldiers, a simple stick or a club, even now we can see some examples of this as guns and tanks are still very popular toys among children, war has been glorified throughout history to prepare soldiers for the future, and the people of that time didn’t have much information and statistics about how much war can hurt the world.


Gender and toys

As time went by a little more, toys started becoming more gender-focused, as toy makers saw the rise of girls and how they weren’t really interested in playing with soldiers, or toy guns. They wanted dolls and stuffed animals, and that is what the toy industry delivered, and soon the gender roles started to generate even more money for the toy industry, as girls and boys both got to buy different toys, as kids could pass down their older toys to their siblings, but now the genders had come into play. The industry was on its top and was doing better than ever, toy stores started opening in every city and toys were all the rage among kids, children would take their beloved toys to school and compare these toys among each other.


The modern age

The modern age is seeing the decline in the sale of toys, most children now prefer phones and tablets instead of toys, even a 3-year-old in this day and age knows how to open up youtube and play his favorite videos, but this is an alarming situation as exposure to this much tech is not good for a child’s brain, a child’s brain is an open book waiting for information to be written in it, an infant’s brain can learn things very easily and an impression of everything that happens around the kid leaves an impression on him/her. Toys are great for a child’s mental development, it helps a child learn new skills and problem-solving strategies that will help them in the this modern era you can buy baby toys online. It is an easy and hassle-free way to find a toy that is best suited for your child.


You can find great toys of all sorts on linenza, it is a great place to go through an inventory filled with good quality toys and find the one that is right for your kid, you can find toys like puzzles, dolls, wooden toys and check out building blocks toys price in Pakistan.

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